Enjoy Refreshing Times with Jesus in Your Homeschool
Teaching children to have a daily quiet time yields so many benefits! This year build some solace into your homeschool day where everyone reaps rewards. Allow children to rest for an hour a day in their rooms or a special nook (regardless of age!) Using it for Bible reading, reflection or quiet play teaches them to slow down and builds into them a habit our Savior had of retreating from the noise and crowds of the day. It's in this time we hear His voice of guidance, creativity or affirmation.
It's a daily discipline that yields the same for busy moms. Restrain from doing the laundry or answering emails! Let the Lord whisper to your heart the answers you've been asking. It's not only good for your spirit but for your blood pressure too! A rested homeschool mom is a better homeschool mom. After all it's in Him we live and move and have our being. All success in this life flows from Him. Help your children learn how to cultivate it with quiet time! You'll be glad you did!
A precious mom of eight, wrote me that she visits a new state park each week with her homeschool. They explore, take photos, find frogs! She feels the refreshment of nature is heaven sent. "It has restored a part of me and the kids love the fresh air and hiking."
Rested moms respond with more patience and joy. Give yourself permission to enjoy this season. You don't have to be super mom. We all need rest. Jesus did!