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Monday, November 16, 2015

                Squanto and Making Sense of Adversity

Black Friday Deals New Millennium Girl BooksI love the story of Squanto. It helps us to make sense of adversity. How can God worked EVERYTHING together for good in our lives, especially the struggles that make no sense? I think it all boils down to one thing: Our world view- do we struggled to fit God into our plans or do we fit into His?

God has a plan for all of humanity: The rise and fall of nations. The birth of babies who will become world changers. The preaching of the good news to all men.
Squanto’s story poignantly reveals this. When English traders landed in what was to become Plymouth, Massachusetts a decade before the pilgrims arrived, Wampanoag Indians came out to trade.  The traders sadly took them prisoner to Spain, and sold them into slavery.

Even in the midst of this tragic circumstance God kept a young Indian boy named Squanto safe and appointed a kind Spanish monk to buy him. He was treated well and taught the Christian faith.

Black Friday Deals New Millennium Girl BooksIn 1618 he happily sailed back to America. But when he arrived there, an epidemic had wiped out Squanto’s entire village. It was as if God’s hand plucked him out and spared him! God had a plan for Squanto’s life that was bigger than himself. He would be an important part in birthing a new nation. One that God could use for good in the entire earth! (Yes, I still believe we are a great nation in the midst of everything!)

A year later the pilgrims arrived in America and Squanto greeted them in English!
According to the diary of Governor William Bradford, Squanto became a special instrument sent from God of good. He showed them how to plant  corn and practically how to survive in the new land. He stayed with the pilgrims for his entire life.

So, in honor of the redeeming love of God in Squanto’s life and the first Thanksgiving so many years ago, I am posting Chocolate Marshmallow Pilgrim Hats. What a fun way to teach your children about God’s faithfulness in building our nation!

Chocolate Marshmallow Pilgrim Hats

Black Friday Deals New Millennium Girl Books
Four Easy Ingredients

1 12 oz bag of chocolate chips
1 package chocolate striped cookies
1 bag of marshmallows
1 tube of yellow decorator’s frosting

This is great for kids of all ages-preschoolers to middle graders!

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