The Pilgrims and Homeschooling
With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s a great time to
incorporate art with writing! My kids love bean mosaics and we made a cool one
of the Mayflower. We chatted as we worked about the First Thanksgiving. How
brave the Pilgrims were, how devout their faith in God was and their desire to
raise godly children. Then they wrote the account as if they were one of the Pilgrims.
It almost feels like homeschooling! We look at the public
school system with shaking knees and pounding chests and think, there’s got to
be a better way than this! We embark on
the Home Education ship to take us to a good land, free land only to find that
there are challenges and hardships there too!
BUT if we stick it out, like the
pilgrims did, teach self-government so our children begin to take responsibility
of their things and actions, we learn that what we have embarked on is a life
changing experience! One that could possibly change the world with godly adults
with leadership qualities and moral character that will shine in the darkness
of this world.
Keep at it dear friend! Your harvest is greater than you
know! Pull back if you need rest. Regroup and get creative! Join a co-op, talk
with a friend, get your nails done! You’ll be glad you did. The Pilgrims had an
opportunity to go back after that first year. But they didn’t take it. They
pressed on to build the New World.
Making Bean Mosaic is easy!
Draw a picture of a the Mayflower and the ocean on orange construction paper
Using Elmer’s Glue, make a puddle and let children
fill in with beans
Embellish with glitter glue
Let dry for about 4 hours
I just love this activity! Thanks so much. I know what my kids and I will be doing next week!